Grand Soleil 48

The GS 48 Performance
The GS 48 combines comfort, quality and performance thanks to avant-garde and first-class technologies: the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) for the hull and the attachments and the FEM structural analysis for all the structures guarantee a fast, light and rigid boat. Interiors and the deck design bear the signature of Nauta Yachts and Cantiere del Pardo Design Team.
The "Race" version
In the “Race” version, thanks to the fully equipped and well-positioned deck, competing has never been so exciting. The interiors follow the same philosophy: it is possible to disassemble various parts. Doing so, the boat becomes lighter and the sails can occupy many wide spaces without damaging the furniture.




Längd, LÖA: 15,85/16,65m
Längd, LVL: -m
Bredd: 4,50m
Djup: 2,60/2,80/3,00m
Vikt: 10500/11,500kg
Vattentank: 360L
Bränsletank: 220L
Motor: 50/75/80hk
Designer: Marco Lostuzzi and
Cantiere del Pardo’
CE-Certifiering: A
Segelarea: 127,35/137,3m²
Storsegel: -m²
Genoa/Fock: -m²
Spinnaker: -m²
I: -m
J: -m
P: -m
E: -m

Övrig information